Reinforce Your Operations With Digital Workers
Solutions For A Variety Of Use Cases
Automation solutions, built on Autosmic’s Enterprise Automation Platform, can provide numerous benefits for organizations looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency.
- Rapid Analysis & Solution Building
- Quick Time To Market Solutions
- Reliable Performance
- Scalable & Extensible
Solutions built from pre-built components is a powerful way of quickly building and validating concepts and executing in an agile fashion
- Modular Architecture
- Plug And Play
- Engineered Tested Components
- Maintainable, Low TCO
Autosmic’s RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions provide organizations with a powerful tool for automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, enabling them to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs.
Autosmic’s Enterprise Automation Platform uses a range of tools, including Process Discovery, IDP (Intelligent Document Processing), RPA (Robotic Process Automation), to help organizations automate a wide range of business processes. By leveraging these tools, organizations can realize the many benefits of automation and improve the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of their operations.
Autosmic RPA Solutions
Challenges In Scaling Operations
- A large workforce is required to be trained
- Tasks are manual and use different screens
- Manual errors can result in financial loss
- Some tasks need help from IT and can take long
- Staff has limited time
- Documenting chaning processes is hard
Digital Worker Solutions
- Software robots trained to do work, that is repetitive in nature
- They can do calculations, screen, file & network operations
- They free up your time for more intellectual, productive work
- Eliminate manual errors
- Run in Attended Mode or in the background (Un-Attended)
- Get work done 24/7 all through the year!
Here Are Some Applications We Work With
Autosmic’s RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions can help businesses integrate their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) applications, enabling them to streamline processes and improve efficiency. By automating the flow of information between these systems, businesses can reduce the time and effort required to manage customer and resource data, freeing up staff to focus on more value-added tasks.
Our solutions can help businesses unify data and services by aggregating from or integrating into any application, home-grown, legacy or cloud. We layer over existing applications, without need to change the applications in any way. If you change your applications or upgrade them, simply touch up the automations to reflect the changes, without need to re-haul everything you did.
Our Approach
- Model processes and surface fine grained metrics (time and dollar)
- In 2 weeks we show you your process bottlenecks
- You show you automation opportunities
- We show you ROI & the Automation Plan