
Simplify Citrix Automation With Autosmic

Enterprises face a formidable challenge when it comes to automating interactions within Citrix applications. Traditional RPA platforms rely heavily on HTML tags or Windows IDs for object identification, which proves useless in the dynamic and virtualized Citrix environment. Additionally, the leading providers offer solutions that are overly complex, requiring extensive administration and maintenance, thus impeding efficiency and scalability.

Enter Autosmic the game-changer in Citrix automation.

Autosmic addresses the limitations of conventional RPA platforms by introducing a modern approach, harnessesing the power of computer vision to navigate and interact with Citrix applications effortlessly.

One of the key distinguishing features of Autosmic is its non-intrusive nature. Unlike other platforms that demand extensive configuration and administration, Autosmic seamlessly integrates into existing workflows without disrupting operations. Its intuitive interface and user-friendly design make automation accessible to enterprises of all sizes, eliminating the need for specialized expertise or extensive training.

Autosmic represents a paradigm shift in Citrix automation. By harnessing the power of computer vision and prioritizing simplicity and efficiency, Autosmic enables enterprises to unlock the full potential of automation without the complexities associated with traditional RPA platforms.

Autosmic’s capabilities extend beyond the confines of Citrix applications. With its versatility, Autosmic seamlessly transitions between desktop, browser, and Citrix environments, providing a holistic automation platform for enterprises. With Autosmic, you can keep it simple and effortless.

Autosmic – 100% HTML Independent Bots

In the fast-paced world of automation, resilience is key. As businesses strive to streamline processes and boost productivity, the reliability of their robotic process automation (RPA) platforms becomes paramount. Enter Autosmica game-changer in the realm of RPA, known for its unwavering resilience in the face of change.

RPA is called brittle, as many vendor bots falter at the slightest tweak in underlying HTML, Autosmic stands tall as a beacon of resilience. How does it achieve this feat? By breaking free from HTML dependencies entirely. While other bots are shackled to the whims of HTML structures, vulnerable to even the slightest alteration, Autosmic operates independently, untethered by the constraints of HTML.

Imagine a world where your automation workflows remain steadfast and unwavering, regardless of changes to the underlying web interface. With Autosmic, this world becomes a reality. Its robust architecture ensures that your automation processes continue to function seamlessly, even as the digital landscape evolves around them.

But what does this mean for businesses? It means peace of mind. It means continuity. It means knowing that your automation initiatives are built on a foundation of rock-solid resilience, capable of weathering any storm.

Like Tom and Jerry sitting on a pile of documents about to be set ablaze, the risk of bot failures looms large in the world of automation. One underlying change, and the entire operation could go up in flames, leaving behind a trail of chaos and frustration. But with Autosmic’s RPA platform, this risk is mitigated. Its independence from HTML dependencies ensures that your automation workflows remain stable and reliable, sparing you from the pain of bot blow-ups and the headaches that follow.

Autosmic – digital automation for your workplace

In the realm of office work, efficiency is king, and time is a precious commodity. Picture the scene: a bustling office environment, where the steady hum of productivity mingles with the occasional sigh of overwhelm. In this fast-paced world, tasks pile up like paperwork on a desk, and deadlines loom like storm clouds on the horizon. But fear not, dear reader, for in the age of digital automation, salvation is at hand, courtesy of Autosmic’s innovative platform. Imagine a world where mundane, repetitive tasks vanish like a magician’s disappearing act, leaving behind a landscape of streamlined workflows and newfound productivity. From data entry to email management, Autosmic’s platform offers a lifeline to beleaguered office workers, transforming manual processes into automated routines with the click of a button. With customizable workflows and intuitive interfaces, Autosmic empowers users to reclaim their time and focus on the tasks that truly matter. No longer shackled by the chains of routine, office workers become architects of efficiency, orchestrating a symphony of productivity that would make even the most seasoned multitasker blush with envy. As the digital age marches forward, the promise of automation looms large on the horizon, offering a glimpse into a future where the office of tomorrow is as efficient as it is effective. So, dear reader, as you navigate the tumultuous waters of office life, remember the power of Autosmic’s automation—and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

Embracing Digital Automation: Unleashing Workplace Superheroes

In the dynamic realm of modern workplaces, digital automation emerges as the ultimate ally, liberating employees from repetitive tasks and empowering them to achieve extraordinary feats of productivity. Digital automation, akin to a team of tireless assistants, automates routine processes, freeing employees to focus on strategic initiatives. This transformative technology elevates ordinary employees into workplace superheroes, enabling them to process data, analyze information, and tackle challenges with unprecedented efficiency. With digital automation as their ally, employees become masters of their domains, capable of accomplishing more in a day than ever before. In the grand narrative of the modern workplace, digital automation is the catalyst for empowerment, unleashing the inner superhero in every employee and propelling organizations toward greater success.

Roadmap to Empowerment: Unleash Your Inner Superhero

  1. Identify Pain Points: Begin by identifying repetitive tasks and bottlenecks in your workflow that drain your time and energy. Recognize areas where digital automation can make a significant impact.
  2. Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with available digital automation tools and technologies. Explore online resources, attend workshops, and seek guidance from experts to understand the capabilities and potential applications of automation in your work.
  3. Start Small: Begin your automation journey by targeting low-hanging fruit. Choose a simple, repetitive task that can be automated easily, such as data entry or email management. Start with pilot projects to gain confidence and demonstrate the value of automation to your team.
  4. Collaborate with Colleagues: Foster a culture of collaboration and knowledge-sharing within your team. Encourage open communication and exchange ideas about how digital automation can streamline processes and improve productivity for everyone.
  5. Experiment and Iterate: Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement. Experiment with different automation tools and techniques to find the best fit for your specific needs. Be open to feedback and iterate on your automation strategies based on lessons learned and evolving requirements.
  6. Scale Up: As you gain experience and confidence with digital automation, scale up your efforts to tackle more complex tasks and processes. Explore opportunities to integrate automation across departments and functions to drive organizational-wide efficiency gains.
  7. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of latest developments and advancements in digital automation technology. Attend industry events, participate in online forums, and network with peers to stay informed about emerging trends and best practices in automation.
  8. Celebrate Successes: Celebrate milestones and successes along your automation journey. Recognize and reward team members who contribute to the adoption and implementation of automation initiatives. Use success stories to inspire and motivate others to embrace digital automation.

By following this roadmap to empowerment, you can unleash your inner superhero and harness the transformative power of digital automation to achieve new levels of productivity and success in the modern workplace.

Digital Automation – A Necessity?

Title: Digital Automation – A Necessity or a Luxury?

Welcome, dear reader, to the digital age, where the buzz of automation fills the air like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in a bustling café. In a world where time is money and efficiency reigns supreme, the question arises: Is digital automation a mere luxury or an absolute necessity? Join me as we unravel the enigma of automation and discover its indispensable role in our modern lives.

Picture this: You’re juggling a dozen tasks at once, your inbox resembles a chaotic battlefield, and deadlines loom ominously like storm clouds on the horizon. In times like these, automation isn’t just a luxury; it’s the lifeboat that prevents you from drowning in a sea of endless to-dos. Like a faithful companion, automation swoops in to rescue you from the brink of insanity, allowing you to navigate the turbulent waters of productivity with ease.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Some skeptics may argue that automation is nothing more than a shiny distraction, a frivolous indulgence reserved for the tech-savvy elite. To them, I say, “Hold your horses, my friend, for you may be missing the forest for the trees.” In a world where every second counts, automation isn’t just a luxury; it’s a survival tool in the jungle of modern-day multitasking.

Consider, if you will, the myriad tasks that bog us down on a daily basis: data entry, email management, report generation—the list goes on. Now imagine a world where these tasks are handled seamlessly by our digital minions, leaving us free to focus on the things that truly matter, like binge-watching cat videos on YouTube or perfecting our avocado toast game. Sounds like paradise, doesn’t it?

But wait, there’s more! Automation isn’t just about saving time; it’s about optimizing our resources and maximizing our potential. By streamlining repetitive tasks, automation empowers us to unleash our creativity, tackle new challenges, and push the boundaries of innovation. In other words, it’s the secret sauce that transforms ordinary mortals into productivity superheroes, cape optional.

Let’s address the elephant in the room: the fear of job loss in the age of automation. While it’s true that some jobs may become obsolete in the face of technological advancements, automation isn’t about replacing humans—it’s about enhancing human capabilities. By automating routine tasks, we free up valuable brain space for critical thinking, problem-solving, and other uniquely human endeavors that no machine can replicate.

The case for digital automation is crystal clear: it’s not just a luxury reserved for the tech elite; it’s a necessity in our fast-paced world. So, the next time you find yourself drowning in a sea of spreadsheets or buried beneath an avalanche of emails, remember: automation isn’t just a lifeline; it’s your ticket to sanity in an increasingly chaotic world. Embrace it, harness its power, and watch as your productivity soars to new heights. After all, in the game of life, there’s no prize for doing things the hard way. Cheers to automation, and may your workload forever be light!

Fast-Track Your process with Autosmic

Title: Embracing Digital Automation: Escaping the Drudgery of Manual Tasks

Do you often find yourself stuck in the monotony of manual tasks, feeling like a hamster on a wheel, running endlessly without progress? If so, welcome to the club of the perpetually drained! But fear not, fellow humans, for in the digital age, salvation lies in the marvels of automation. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the true value of digital automation and bid farewell to the soul-sucking manual activities that drain our life force faster than a Dementor in a Harry Potter novel.

Imagine waking up to a world where you no longer have to engage in mind-numbing tasks like manually updating spreadsheets or sending out repetitive emails. Ah, the sweet symphony of liberation! Digital automation is like having a personal butler, except it doesn’t talk back and won’t demand a raise. It’s the magic wand you’ve always wanted, minus the pesky side effects of turning your boss into a toad.

Let’s paint a picture, shall we? Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk, sipping your fourth cup of coffee, wondering if you’ll ever escape the clutches of Excel hell. Suddenly, like a beacon of hope in the fog of despair, automation swoops in like Batman rescuing Gotham from yet another villainous plot. With a few lines of code or the click of a button, your spreadsheets are updated, your emails are sent, and you’re left basking in the glory of reclaimed time. Hallelujah!

But wait, there’s more! Digital automation isn’t just about saving time; it’s about reclaiming your sanity. Gone are the days of accidentally sending an email to the wrong person or forgetting to follow up with a client. Automation has your back like a loyal sidekick, ensuring that every task is executed flawlessly, leaving you free to ponder life’s deeper mysteries, like why do we park in driveways and drive on parkways?

Let’s not forget the joy of eliminating human error from the equation. We’ve all been there, frantically trying to undo a catastrophic mistake before the boss notices. But with automation, the only thing you’ll be undoing is the lid of your celebratory jar of Nutella because, let’s face it, you deserve it!

Now, some may argue that manual tasks add character and keep us grounded. To them, I say, “Sure, and stepping on a Lego barefoot adds excitement to life, but I’ll pass, thank you very much.” In a world where time is the most precious commodity, why waste it on tasks better suited for our robot overlords?

Dear reader, the value of digital automation cannot be overstated. It’s the hero we need, the silent guardian of our sanity, and the key to unlocking a future where manual tasks are but a distant memory. So, let us raise our virtual glasses to a world where the only thing manual is the off switch for our newfound freedom. Cheers to automation, and may your spreadsheets forever be error-free!

RPA Life-Cycle & Costs

RPA and AI have been making waves in the business world for its ability to automate repetitive and routine tasks, improving efficiency and reducing errors. Now, with new technologies, you have to understand and adapt. You also need to keep an eye on ROI and make sure your costs don’t escalate. Let’s look at the RPA life-cycle.


The RPA Life-Cycle consists of several stages: Planning, Development, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance.

During the planning stage, businesses identify the tasks and processes that are suitable for automation and determine the resources and expertise needed to support the implementation of RPA.

  • The development stage involves creating the RPA solution, which may include designing and building bots, integrating systems, and training the RPA system.
  • The testing stage involves testing the RPA solution to ensure that it is functioning correctly and meets the needs of the business. The deployment stage involves rolling out the RPA solution to the live environment and making it available to users.
  • The maintenance stage involves ongoing monitoring and management of the RPA solution to ensure that it continues to function properly and meets the needs of the business.


  • Planning: Enterprises may spend a significant amount of time and resources during the planning stage of the RPA Life-Cycle to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their automation goals and the resources and expertise needed to support the implementation of RPA. Autosmic helps to shorten this stage with Automated Task Mining and Process Modeling capabilities.
  • Development: The development stage may also require a significant investment of time and resources, as it involves designing and building the RPA solution, integrating systems, and training the RPA system. With a screen activity recorder and a drag and drop cloud designer, you can work pretty quickly through this phase.
  • Testing: Ensuring that the RPA solution is functioning correctly and meets the needs of the business is critical, and may require a significant investment of time and resources during the testing stage. Having the right amount of test data available and testing various exception scenarios is important at this stage.
  • Deployment: The deployment stage may also require a significant investment, as it involves rolling out the RPA solution to the live environment and making it available to users. If you have deployment tools, that simplify your deployment and management, this phase can be quick.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing monitoring and management of the RPA solution to ensure that it continues to function properly and meets the needs of the business is important and may require a significant investment of time and resources during the maintenance stage of the RPA Life-Cycle. Monitoring is an on-going activity and having the visibility through the tool-set is very important. Similarly if an application changes, bots may need to be maintained. Allowing this process to happen as smoothly as possible is a big factor that determines how hard and expensive your maintenance cycles are going to be. Autosmic provides special features for this stage.

Overall, the specific amount of time and resources that enterprises spend on each part of the RPA Life-Cycle will depend on the specific needs and goals of the enterprise, as well as the complexity and scope of the RPA implementation. Autosmic simplifies the journey by providing tooling at all stages of RPA. We would be happy to help guide you on your journey. Get in touch

Streamlining Healthcare Operations with AUTOSMIC RPA


Healthcare organizations face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing operations. From managing electronic health records and scheduling appointments to processing insurance claims, there is a constant flow of administrative tasks that need to be completed efficiently and accurately. However, these tasks can be time-consuming, error-prone, and costly, leading to inefficiencies and frustration for both healthcare providers and patients. Fortunately, there is a solution: Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

HealthCare Automation


RPA is a technology that enables organizations to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks that are typically performed by humans. By using software “robots” to perform these tasks, RPA can significantly improve efficiency and reduce the risk of errors. Here are just a few examples of how RPA can solve operational challenges in the healthcare industry:

  • Electronic health records: RPA can quickly and accurately enter data into electronic health record systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and the risk of errors. This can improve the accuracy of patient records and reduce the time required to maintain them.
  • Appointment scheduling: RPA can automate the appointment scheduling process, including checking for availability, sending reminders to patients, and updating schedules. This can improve the efficiency of the scheduling process and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Insurance claims processing: RPA can automate the entire insurance claims process, including extracting data from claims, verifying the information, and routing the claims for approval. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to process claims and improve accuracy.


In summary, RPA can be a powerful tool for solving operational challenges in the healthcare industry. By automating repetitive, rule-based tasks, RPA can free up healthcare providers to focus on patient care and improve the overall patient experience. If you’re looking for a way to streamline your operations and improve efficiency, consider implementing RPA in your organization.

How AUTOSMIC RPA Solves Your Operations Nightmare


Does your organization struggle with inefficient, error-prone, and time-consuming administrative tasks? Are you looking for a way to streamline your operations and improve efficiency? If so, you’re not alone. Many organizations face these challenges, but fortunately, there is a solution: Autosmic’s Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

Don’t let your operations overwhelm you. Stream-line your operations.

Autosmic’s Solution:

Process Discovery can help make bubble up data based opportunities that safely predict ROI for Automation

RPA is a technology that enables organizations to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks that are typically performed by humans. By using digital assistants to perform these tasks, RPA can significantly improve efficiency and reduce the risk of errors. When you combine Process Discovery with RPA, you get a more predictable and calculated outcome. Use these tools to drive decision making and manage your Automation Projects well. Automation is delivered in the form of Digital Assistants.

Here are just a few examples of how Autosmic’s Intelligent RPA can solve operational challenges:

  • Data entry: Digital Assistants can quickly and accurately enter data into various systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and the risk of errors that can occur when humans perform this task.
  • Invoice processing: Digital Assistants can automate the entire invoice processing workflow, including extracting data from invoices, verifying the information, and routing the invoices for approval. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to process invoices and improve accuracy.
  • Customer service: Digital Assistants can handle routine customer service inquiries, freeing up human customer service agents to focus on more complex or high-priority issues. This can improve response times and customer satisfaction.

Use Cases that Autosmic’s platform can help with:

Finance and accounting: Automate tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, and reconciliation of accounts.

Human resources: Automate tasks such as employee onboarding, benefits enrollment, and the creation of employee records.

Supply chain and logistics: Automate tasks such as tracking shipments, updating inventory levels, and generating reports.

Healthcare: Automate tasks such as managing electronic health records, scheduling appointments, and processing insurance claims.

Manufacturing: Automate tasks such as monitoring production processes, tracking inventory levels, and generating reports.

Retail: Automate tasks such as price monitoring, updating product information, and processing orders.


In summary, Autosmic Intelligent RPA can be a powerful tool for solving operational challenges and improving efficiency. By automating repetitive, rule-based tasks, you can free up human workers to focus on more value-added activities and reduce the risk of errors. If you’re looking for a way to streamline your operations and improve efficiency, contact us for a free evaluation for your organization.

OCR – A Necessary Evil?

How paper-work started

Many businesses interact with their end customer or partner or other business entities over several different communication channels. The oldest one was snail mail where people would mail their paperwork, then we got the phone system, later came email and the web. However the paper that once existed has not gone away. People just found new ways to use the paper to scan and upload over email or scan and upload to a web page.

The Last Mile

There are couple ways to eliminate the paper-work and both rely on electronic means to capture the data from the end user. There is the traditional web portal approach, where a web form captures the data and then there is the messaging/chatbot approach also known as conversational AI. There are some differences in the approach and also some pro/cons (probably a topic for another time)

Why don’t we fix the problem?

Lethargy and a fragmented approach to solutions has created a situation, where OCR (although not perfect) continues to be used overwhelmingly for automaton. Instead of preventing the problem, we exacerbate the problem by letting people continue to scan paper documents into images and then OCR them back (in the process, struggling to find the best OCR technology, which will fix all the legibility issues, the hand written text and so on)


OCR is not going away soon. But the process can be hastened by adopting electronic means of onboarding, for example. Autosmic provides a Multi-Portal which is a multi-tenant portal customizable for different needs and pre-hooked into the RPA infrastructure, so automation is pre-integrated into it. This allows people to focus on the business problem to be solved and not the infrastructure complexity or the plumbing!